Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My farther is a spy.

My farther is a spy he has spy stuff he has spy guns. He
solves crimes sometimes. There was a robber on the loose with
guns. He stole 1 million dollars and is on the run. My dad
saw him in the car in front of him. My dad went fast he
rammed into the car. And a wheel came off the robbers car.
He skidded out and crashed then the robber jumped out. Then
my dad jumped on the robber the robber got caught case solved.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday 29ThOctober

On Sunday I went to my cousins house I went on his old bike. We
biked around Richmond then we came back and played xbox .
I bet him at it. We had dinner it was nice then we went on the
tramp. It was fun at my cousins house.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

On the holidays i went to the beach at my nanas, bach. There is lemon trees at
night time we had lemon wars me and my cousin. I got a rotten lemon I ripped
it in half. And chucked it at my sister. I got a fartbomb. I put it in side the house
it gave my mum a fright. I had fun on the holidays.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Hello my playdo fellos hope you like my
blog. This is me in the picture i am a plado

Danger do not watch

Danger do not watch